Wednesday, June 17, 2015

No Tidal

Water is known to be the physical essence of your emotions, psyche, and can represent anything that can be up one minute, and down the next. I had the most awful dream, and I felt nothing but terror up until the point I finally awoke.

I was in Barcelona, walking along a grassy cliff. I have never been to Barcelona but this looked much like what I've seen photos of Ireland to look like. I was just walking along, with the ocean to my right. I saw some waves and thought "how beautiful, I've always wanted to surf and these look like perfect sized waves, maybe I should come back here." But as I kept walking, the waves got bigger, taller, closer; and suddenly it all came crashing down onto the hundreds of unsuspecting people who were enjoying their day off. And along came another one. Building up for what seemed like hours, but it took only seconds for this mile high structure to come crashing down, and without warning, scooping and pulling my fellow humans into the ocean, eating them alive. I ran as fast as I could, and with every few steps I would take, a tidal wave would come and pull me back even more; it's like no progress would ever be made, and I should just have given up and let the earth take me at it's will. Fortunately for me, I never die in my dreams. I somehow made it out and into a brick dwelling of some sort. I waited for the waves to be over and came out when it was safe. I don't remember the outcome of the people on the beach, but I remember walking down an alley alone feeling relieved to be alive.

I have read online that dreaming of violent crashing water can symbolize my emotional state of mind. And to dream that a wall of water is coming towards you can also mean that I am allowing my emotions to build without the proper release, and I could potentially be alienating myself and others from being in my life properly. And when reading about "waves," and it's symbolism, it reports that there is an overwhelming emotional issue that I have failed to address, and it needs to be acknowledged and dealt with. It also suggests that I have made a disastrous mistake in some decision making.

These reports are very vague and could apply to many situations, but it is somehow reassuring that I am currently dealing with some emotional battles, which are new to me, as I have been ignoring my emotions for some time, only allowing myself to feel the happy and positive ones. Being carried away in a tidal wave also suggests that you are ready to start a new life in a new place, and I have been thinking about that for some time now. I've always had a deep love for Spain. Madrid in particular; however, this year I will be visiting Barcelona, and maybe my heart and mind are asking me to consider this trip a test run for a big move. I don't feel like my soul belongs in Toronto anymore. My affinity towards Latin culture, food, music and the way I get butterflies when I walk between the maze of colonial style buildings in Spain are more than proof enough that I need in indulge myself in what I feel I have been longing for.

I just hope that switching to this mentality isn't the fatal error in decision making that my dream wave was telling me about.

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